Thank you Catherine, you seemed to be a thinker and you most certainly are a good writer. I’ve been messing around the inerrancy issue for years. So when another blog show up with a title that’s relayed to inerrancy, I check it out. Most lose my interest by the second paragraph, but yours keep me hooked until the end.
Great article.
I guess I came upon the issue from the other side. Having a friend turned bible thumber, I couldn’t believe anyone could fall for the idea that this book so full old cultural perspectives and loaded with mistakes could possibly be “inerrant”.
So got professional help from university professors and a massive load of books (Hitchens, Dawkins, Ehrman). I really got a kick compiling all this evidence.
To make a long story short. Today I am fully convinced that Bible is totally inerrant and absolutely the most awesome revelation of a loving God. In my mind, the Bible is the only thing we know on earth that is perfect.
I won’t bore you with more of my story. I’m actually really interested in your story. Please keep writing and sharing your thoughts and discoveries. I really appreciate what you are doing.