This is an incredibly difficult issue to talk about and I admire you for writing about it. Your experience is tragic and I hope you can come back from the burn out.
There are many who are experiencing the same thing. People feel the church got wrongfully married to politics. And the relational part with Jesus Christ got lost in the constant hype for new headlines.
Meslissa, I am sad to read what happened to you and your husband. I left the United States so long ago I feel that much of what you, and so many of my friends, say is strange. But I know it is true.
Can I offer just a piece of opinion? It is that I hope you do return to church. Maybe not your old church, but a place that has a church family. In my experience, smaller churches do this better than big churches.
I say this for the simple reason that Christianity is a Bible thing. There is really no re-inventing what Jesus did and taught. And the New Testament clearly teaches about church.
Please forgive me if I over stepped. If you lived in Portugal, I’d invite you to have some wonderful Portuguese food at our favorite restaurants. And I’d do my best to be that church family for you.
Thank you for sharing this important post and for putting up with my very long comment.